• 教师
  • 朱丽叶·威尔斯
  • 朱丽叶·威尔斯


    朱丽叶·威尔斯, 教授 of 文学研究, is a scholar, teacher, and writer who is passionately committed to helping readers of all backgrounds connect with literature, and who brings her groundbreaking research on 简·奥斯丁 to audiences around the 世界. 2025年夏天,摩根图书馆 & 纽约的博物馆将会庆祝 the year of Austen’s 250th birthday with an exhibition guest co-curated by Dr. 井. “A Lively Mind: 简·奥斯丁 at 250” will illuminate Austen’s authorship and her American reception by presenting manuscripts from the Morgan in the context of major loans from institutions including 简·奥斯丁’s House in Chawton, England. 这个节目将 celebrate, too, the life’s work of the distinguished Austen collector 阿尔伯塔省H. 伯克, who made landmark bequests to 云顶集团, her alma mater, and the Morgan. 《云顶集团》 从博士那里获得灵感. 井’s trio of books on Austen’s readers and fans, most 最近 A New 简·奥斯丁: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist (布卢姆斯伯里学术出版社,2023年). A New 简·奥斯丁 centers on visionary writers and collectors who, from the 1880s to the 1980s, advocated for Austen’s literary significance, broadened her readership, and preserved artifacts vital to her legacy. 在美国读奥斯汀 (2017) offers a vivid account of how an appreciative audience for Austen’s novels originated and developed in America, and how American readers contributed to the rise 奥斯丁的国际名声. Everybody's Jane: Austen in the Popular Imagination (2011) explores the importance of Austen to readers and fans today. 所有这些书 highlight 云顶集团’s 世界-renowned 简·奥斯丁 collection and its creator, alumna 阿尔伯塔省H. 伯克. 2025年将会看到Dr. 威尔斯的新版本对读者友好 奥斯汀小说的版本 曼斯菲尔德公园这本书是她出版200周年纪念版《。 说服 (2017)和 艾玛 (2015). Dr. 井’s more than thirty-five articles and book chapters include examinations of Austen’s novels and adaptations, as well as essays on Austen pedagogy. 一个好评 speaker to popular and scholarly audiences, she was a guest on 简·奥斯丁 & Co.2021年春季“种族与摄政” series and regularly gives lectures to Austen societies and other reading groups.


    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    “‘He has great pleasure in seeing the performances of other people’: Austen’s Men 和艺术,”in The Edinburgh Companion to 简·奥斯丁 and the Arts (爱丁堡大学,2024)

    A New 简·奥斯丁: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist (布卢姆斯伯里学术出版社,2023年)

    “这是和谐!:柯克·米切姆的《云顶集团》 傲慢与偏见 (2019)和乔纳森·达夫的 曼斯菲尔德公园 (2011),” in 奥斯汀时代的女性与音乐 (巴克内尔大学出版社,2023)

    《美国人眼中的傲慢与偏见,两人在线 44.1 (2023)

    “Afterword: Sex, Romance, and Representation in Uzma Jalaluddin’s 终于见到阿伊莎了,” in 简·奥斯丁, Sex, and Romance: Engaging with Desire in the Novels and Beyond (罗切斯特大学出版社,2022年)

    《公开场合的奥斯汀》,1999年 Teaching Text Technologies and Critical Bibliography Among the Disciplines: Objects 的研究 劳特利奇,2025年出版


    Race, Privilege, and Relatability: A Practical Guide for College and Secondary Instructors,” in 《云顶集团》 (劳特利奇,2021)

    艺术家与奥斯汀收藏家,” 两人在线 42:1(2021年冬季)

    傲慢与偏见此时此地: Reflecting on a First-Year College Seminar,” 两人在线 41:2(2021年夏季),特刊,"Beyond the Bit of Ivory: 简·奥斯丁 and Diversity

    “Intimate Portraiture and the Accomplished Woman Artist in 艾玛,” in 奥斯汀的艺术品和手工艺品 (特拉华大学出版社,2020年)

    “‘Dear Aunt Jane’: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple and 简·奥斯丁,” in After Austen: Reinventions, Rewritings, Revisitings (帕尔格雷夫,2018)


    北美简·奥斯汀协会 Traveling Lecturer, Eastern Region: 2019–2022

    会议论文 & 小组参与

    “‘The first ever held in honor of the great novelist’: The 1951 Frostburg ‘简·奥斯丁 Festival,’” panel on “Access and 可云顶集团性: 简·奥斯丁 in 图书馆, Exhibition, and Archive Spaces,” Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing, 雷丁,英国:2024年7月

    “Recognizing Oscar Fay Adams as Austen’s First Critical Editor and Biographer,” British Association for Romantic Studies, Glasgow: July 2024

    Participant, roundtable on “Reading Communities / Communities of Reading,” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Toronto: April 2024

    傲慢与偏见 through American Eyes,” 北美简·奥斯汀协会 (JASNA) Annual General 年度股东大会,丹佛:11月11日. 2023


    “A New 简·奥斯丁: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist,” lecture in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the museum, 简·奥斯丁’s House, Chawton, 英国:2024年7月

    “An Early Reader of Austen in North America: Christian, Countess of Dalhousie,” Jane Austen Society (UK) Scottish Branch, Carnegie 图书馆, Dunfermline, Scotland: July 2024

    “培养一个强大的自我 理智与情感,” 简·奥斯丁 Day at Manor Mill, Monkton, MD: May 2024

    “设定界限和自我照顾 说服,” 简·奥斯丁 Day at Manor Mill, Monkton, MD: June 2023

    “A New 简·奥斯丁: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist,” Lorraine Hanaway Memorial Lecture, JASNA – Eastern PA region, Free 图书馆 of 菲尔。adelphia: 9月. 2022

    为什么你应该读奥斯卡·费·亚当斯的书JASNA -西南地区(虚拟):1月. 2022

    奥斯汀的翻译,” keynote, “简·奥斯丁 in the Pan Pacific” symposium (virtual): Nov. 2021





    Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing




    教练。”大卫·科波菲尔 through 21st Century Eyes,” virtual course, Rosenbach 图书馆, 菲尔。adelphia: May–June, 2024

    老师:“读奥斯汀的书 艾玛 with 朱丽叶·威尔斯,” virtual course, Rosenbach 图书馆, 菲尔。adelphia: April–May, 2023

    编辑委员会成员; 两人: 简·奥斯汀日记: 2011年至今

    Member, 北美简·奥斯汀协会 Archives & 历史委员会:2019年至今